Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Letters from TyTy

AHOY, Scallywags.

Listen, I'm going to jail, on 5/12/2011,  it's no secret.  I have a lot of personally meaningful important things to say about this experience before I go, and I will say them here.  You will be moved, I promise... I will be saying none of those things now.

The reason I'm tugging on your lobes is that I'm starting to collect mailing addresses from people who would like to leave them for me.  I will be spending a lot of time sitting around with very few people to talk to (that I want to talk to).  You will very likely get a personal, and probably entertaining letter from me.  If you've ever wanted to get a letter from someone in jail, well, here's your chance.

Send your EMAIL -
Your Name:
Twitter handle: (If applicable)
AND: anything about you that you would like me to know about you or anything else you would like to include to jog my memory or set you apart.

Spread this around, I promise I will get to all of them.  I'm good like that.  I have the handwriting of a fetus with no arms... so, I make no guarantees of legibility but I may draw you a picture.

Love your support, it's awesome.  If I ever have a chance to repay it, I will.

Good Luck out there.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I was moved by your comments on Cocks w/ P today and very impressed with your outlook on this whole situation.

    I certainly don't know you, but hang in there. If you run out of people to write- feel free to send me an e-mail, and I'll answer back.

    I'll leave you with this: I was having a really crappy day the other day, and your "One time. There was this guy at work, and he liked guacamole too." comment killed me. That made my day. Keep your spirits up.


  3. Mr. Magoo...
    Not too long ago I came out on the brightside of personal hardships and looking back to only a year ago.. I take a deep sigh of relief that I made it through. There is something to be said for facing your shit head on. Life looks a lot different when you do. Keep treading forward and upwards with your sights on the positive. I heard you in the radio today and felt moved to reach out. I work as an accessories designer so if you ever need some stylish goods to barter for smokes or something let me know :)
    You can email me at
    Safe journey!

  4. I have followed with you because I'm a Cocks withP fan. I have also followed you on Twitter and "tweeted" you. I'm earringproject. I plan on sending you and letter. The only email address that I use is my work email. I'm afraid that maybe you don't have current computer access to read this, but my email is:

    Stay strong!!
